Tom Cowden Youth Shooting Sports
2020 Archives
DC 4-H and TCYSS Receive 2020 Grants from Friends of NRA
The Davie County 4-H Shooting Sports Club received a very Gracious Club Grant from the Friends of NRA totalling over $4800.00 in much needed and appreciated Shotgun shells, .22 LR Ammunition and Clay Targets. Tom Cowden Youth Shooting Sports also received a Range Grant worth over $2000.00. The Range Grant includes 2 Precision Air rifles and two Air Pistols to enhance our Air Gun capabilities with 4-H. Air Rifle is one of our weakest disciplines, not because of skill but due to equipment. These Rifles will allow our kids to "show their stuff" this coming Summer! Air Pistol has been growing with our club for several years and this will give more of our kids more quality equipment to use for practice and competition. Again Thanks to Friends of NRA!!
First Ever Tom Cowden Invitational Skeet and Sporting Clays Shoot Held on December 28th, 2019
TCYSS hosted the First and hopefully Annual Tom Cowden Invitational Youth Shoot on December 28th at Hunting Creek Preserves near Harmony NC. The event included a 100 bird Sporting Clays Shoot and a 50 Bird Skeet Shoot. This event was a "crossover event" with Youth Organizations being invited from several different Shooting Sports Organizations including 4-H, The Scholastic Clay Target Program or SCTP and NC wildlife Hunter Education Teams. There were competitors from DAvie Co 4-H and TCYSS SCTP, Rose Hill SCTP, Nash Co 4-H, Forbush High School SCTP and Hunter Ed. Davie County Hunter Ed. Other 4-H Competitors came from Henderson Co, Iredell Co, Yancey Co, Randolph Co, and others. The Top Teams were the NC 4-H Shotgun Team Alumni, Rose Hill and Forbush Respectively. Top HOAs, were Evan Harris from Catawba County 4-H Alumni, Kody Wilder from Randolph County 4-H Alumni, and Stephen Timbinaris from Davie County 4-H and TCYSS SCTP. There were 42 kids involved and a separate shoot for Adults. A great day weather wise and a nice retreat from the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season. We hope to continue with this Shoot for years to come.
2019 Archives
Senior Blaze Team and Individuals have Excellent Showing in 2019 State 4-H Tournament
Our most experienced Senior Team, the Davie Senior Blaze Team had a strong showing winning 2 Team Golds, a Silver and 2 Bronze Medals and finishing 4th in the other two events they participated in on Saturday, September 21. The Senior Blaze Team included Caleb Mathis, Mattie Clark and Stephen Walker. All three are veteran participants both at the State and National Level and this was Stephen's and Mattie's last 4-H State Tournament as they are now officially "aged out". Caleb returns for 2 more Seasons. The Senior Blaze Team won the Telescopic Sight-Smallbore Rifle Competition and the Muzzleloader Competition, finished second in Open Sight-Smallbore Rifle, and placed Third in Smallbore Pistol and Match Compound Archery. They were also a close 4th in Hunter/Sporter Compound Archery missing out on 3rd by 1X and Caleb's Shotgun Team finished a close 4th.
In addition to the Team Awards, Stephen Walker had two HOA Golds in Smallbore Pistol and Muzzleloader, and a 3rd in Air Pistol. Caleb finished just behind Stephen by 1 point in Muzzleloader with a Silver. Stephen's younger Sister and up and coming Competitor, Rebekah Walker, won the HOA for Air Pistol and also finished with a 2nd for Muzzleloader in a tie with Caleb. Stephen Timinaris finished 3rd Overall in Shotgun after losing a Shootoff to break a 2nd place tie. Many other seniors finished in the Top 10.
Our Junior Team had only 5 Competitors this year and 3 were in their first State Tournament ever. Timothy Walker was the only Junior to Medal this year with a Bronze in Junior Air Pistol. However several shot their Personal Bests beating their Regional Scores.
Stephen Walker is the 2018 National 4-H Shooting Sports Smallbore Pistol National Champion!!!. Stephen placed 8th on Day One of the Competition and in Multiple ties for 2nd Place on Days 2 and 3. He was bumped to 5th on day 2 and 4th on day 3, but had the consistency and score to put him Over the Top for the Highest Honor of all and Won HOA for Smallbore Pistol in Grand Island, Nebraska on June 30th, 2018.!!! We couldn't be prouder of Stephen! This young Man has worked hard at all aspects of his Shooting Sports. He has been a 4-H State Champion in Archery and Air Pistol and a Regional 4-H Champion in several Disciplines...he has even been a regional Archery Champion for the District 7 Wildlife Tournament. Now he has accomplished the Highest Honor in 4-H Shooting Sports!
The NC Smallbore Pistol Team Finished 4th Overall in the Competition.